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Why was Healy Resonance Device Medical Developed !

Information source:

Marcus Schmieke

Marcus Schmieke, born 1966, is the inventor and developer of the Healy and TimeWaver products.

For many years Marcus had been thinking about how to let everyone benefit from the possibilities of the TimeWaver technology in a compact and simple way.

What he had in mind was a device that everyone could use every day, something compact, simple and practical.

A little companion that watches over our health and can help in an innovative way to prevent problems and support healing.

Nuno Nina

Nuno Nina is a Portuguese researcher and therapist. Nuno runs seven private clinics, most of them in Portugal. His field of work is mainly integrative medicine and cell biology.

Nuno’s experience with thousands of patients has enabled him to compile the theories and findings from his research in the form of a collection of 144,000 so-called “Gold Frequencies.” When he first came into contact with the TimeWaver technology years ago, he immediately suggested combining it with the possibilities of frequency therapy to create something greater than the sum of its parts.

The Challenge

An experienced team of developers and engineers who had been working on the previous TimeWaver systems for years faced the challenge of shaping their complex technology into a compact and easy-to-use device.

Up to now, TimeWaver technology had only been used professionally; the prerequisites were high-priced and complex hardware and comprehensive training of the therapists. In addition, a dedicated computer was required for its control.

All this has now fundamentally changed: you can put Healy in your pocket or attach it to your clothing. The Healy app on your smartphone knows how to use it, instructing you what to do next at all times.

The Result

The development of Healy, as well as the testing and preparatory work for its approval as a medical device have consumed considerably more money, time and resources than any TimeWaver system before it. The entire development of Healy was carried out in Germany.

The result of all this hard work is small, inexpensive and very easy to use!

Disclaimer: Healy is a medical device for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine as well as for the adjuvant therapy of mental illness such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders. All other applications of Healy are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of evidence in the sense of conventional medicine.

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