0001C Lifewave Aeon X15 光療頻率貼片/Aeon X15 Phototherapy Frequency Patch


Lifewave Aeon X15 光療頻率貼片採用專利技術減輕你的痛症,改善你的健康。

Lifewave Aeon X15 PhotoTherapy Frequency Patch uses patented technology to relieve your pain and improve your health.



Lifewave Aeon X15 貼片可以改善細胞生理功能狀態並減輕壓力,它可以平衡調節許多身體機能的自主神經系統,例如心率、血壓、消化和免疫力,能增加體力,減輕精神壓力,可在10分鐘內減除壓力,降低發炎程度,要減少發炎,其他問題才能解決,消除精神疲勞,並且抗衰老。使用 X15貼片時請貼於身體中間或右側,可將貼片貼在乾淨清潔的皮膚表面,貼片效果可持續12小時。

Lifewave Aeon X15 patch can improve the state of cell physiological function and reduce stress, it can balance the autonomic nervous system that regulates many bodily functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion and immunity, can increase physical strength and reduce mental stress, can be used in 10 minutes Reduce stress, reduce inflammation, reduce inflammation, other problems can be solved, eliminate mental fatigue, and anti-aging. When using the X15 patch, please stick it on the body middle or right side. The patch can be pasted on the clean and clean skin surface, and the effect of the patch can last for 12 hours.

試用/Trial:  HK$30/pcs (不包括運費/not including delivery cost)

or  HK$560/30 pcs (不包括運費/not including delivery cost)