0008C 艾多美維他命C Atomy Vitamin C


艾多美彩色食物天然維他命C粉 , HK$208 一盒有90條,一條 500mg , 每天一條就夠需要 ,必要時更可服用多條 ,如果服用太多便會被腎臟排出體外,而沒有過量的問題,但是腎衰竭人士就不宜服用過量,因為會增加腎臟負荷。除了 維他命C -500mg裝之外,更有1000mg裝,歡迎聯絡查詢(按此)。

Atomy vitamin C supplements is the most common and effective method to strengthen your immune system. We recommend Atomy Natural Vitamin C Powder, HK$173/box, there are 90 pieces in a box, one piece 500mg, one tablet a day is enough, if necessary, you can take more than one tablet, if too much will be excreted by the kidneys, there is no problem of overdose, but people with renal failure should not take too much, because it will increase the load on the kidneys.



90條 ,500mg/條

原價 : HK$208 (不包括運費)

艾多美會員價格 :  HK$ 173

送貨方式:於本葵涌店或葵涌港鐵站自取; 或順豐到付

90 pcs, 500mg/pcs

Price: HK$208 (excluding shipping cost)

Atomy Member Price : HK$ 173

Delivery method: Pick up at our Kwai Chung Shop or Kwai Chung MTR Station; or SF to pay on delivery

艾多美彩色食物天然維他命C粉 , HK$208 一盒有90條,一條 500mg , 每天一條就夠需要 ,必要時更可服用多條 ,如果服用太多便會被腎臟排出體外,而沒有過量的問題,但是腎衰竭人士就不宜服用過量,因為會增加腎臟負荷。除了 維他命C -500mg裝之外,更有1000mg裝,歡迎聯絡查詢(按此)。

艾多美Atomy彩色食物天然維他命C粉 由多種水果成分結合起來的天然 維他命 C,包括芒果、柑橘 、 草莓 、 南瓜 、 石榴 、 桑黃 、 薑黃…等等,可以中和我們體內的「自由基」,促進鐵的吸收 , 促進膠原蛋白的形成 ,及可增進體內結締組織和肌膚的生長。 市面上 的平價維他命C很多,大多都是化學合成的,很少是從真正天然食物萃取 , 這是因為成本高,此類營養品可能會把不良的化學物質帶到身體內,使保健變傷身,所以要小心選擇,請考慮 艾多美Atomy 吧!

Atomy vitamin C supplements is the most common and effective method to strengthen your immune system. We recommend Atomy Natural Vitamin C Powder, HK$173/box, there are 90 pieces in a box, one piece 500mg, one tablet a day is enough, if necessary, you can take more than one tablet, if too much will be excreted by the kidneys, there is no problem of overdose, but people with renal failure should not take too much, because it will increase the load on the kidneys. Besides the 500mg/pcs, we also have 1000mg/pcs; please contact us for any inquiry (click here).

Atomy Color Food Natural Vitamin C Powder is a combination of natural vitamin C from various fruit ingredients, including mango, citrus, strawberry, pumpkin, pomegranate, Phellinus huang, turmeric, etc., which can neutralize the “free radicals” in our body , Promote the absorption of iron, promote the formation of collagen, and can promote the growth of connective tissue and skin in the body. There are many affordable vitamin Cs on the market, most of which are chemically synthesized, and rarely extracted from real natural foods. Because of the high cost, such nutritional products may bring bad chemicals into the body, causing damage to health care. So choose carefully and consider Atomy Atomy!